If I interfere with the rights of others, disciplinary procedures can be initiated against me. The staff
member who first encounters such an incident initiates the due process to dissolve the situation.
The incident will be formally documented and parents/guardians may be contacted.
I shall stay away from ongoing, recurring and escalating difficulties (i.e. disrespectful treatment of
others, abusive language, threats, physical aggression, vandalism, defiance of authority, repeated
harassment). If involved in any of the above, the incident will be referred to the administration.
Parents will be contacted. Staff will formally document the incident.
For serious concerns and offences, teachers, students and parents will be asked to formulate a plan
of action with administration. Serious misconduct may result in loss of privileges, time out and/or
removal from class, an in-school or home suspension and/or removal from school.
All matters of discipline, including recommended consequences, will be dealt with in a confidential
manner. Each incident will be documented and treated on its own merit.
School Expectations Include:
- Be punctual and arrive at school and class on time
- Be prepared, organized, and ready to work in class
- Care for and support each other and our community
- Take ownership and responsibility for learning
- Respect school and private property
- Respect rights of others to learn
- Demonstrate respect, responsible behaviour and overall good character even when using
digital technology and/or engaging in online activities
- I will accept responsibility for my own actions and their resulting consequences
Student Name : _________________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________
Teacher concerned: _____________________________________
Supervisor/Principal Signature : _________________________
Parent Signature : _______________________________________
Date : _________________________
By applying logical, natural and consistent consequences for actions, and by providing students
with opportunities to become responsible and caring members of our learning community, we
believe our students will learn that the choices they make impact how they live in community
with others.