It gives me a great pleasure to introduce you to
ARYAKULAM SCHOOL, PRAYAGRAJ which reflects our vision to become a Centre of Excellence
comparable to be best at every sphere for producing professionals with leadership quality in technology,
innovation, entrepreneurship and management. This school is an amalgamation of competent teachers,
state-of-the-art infrastructure and an experienced and efficient administration.
The school came into existence with the vision of creating a safe and supportive environment for
its students – to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities.
Childhood, youth and learning should be a joy and we strive for that.
Educational institutions all around the world along with the aspirations of students and parents have undergone
critical transformations with time. We are living in a fast changing world, a changing society, progressing at a
galloping speed, impact of science, scientific research, technological development, globalization on our daily
life is vibrant and unavoidable, So the need to be geared up for tomorrow is for greater than ever before.
At ARYAKULAM we aspire to provide top quality education to all, with a well-balanced and
relevant curriculum.
We believe that true education is a right blend of Intelligence and character. We educate our students to
maximize their innate potential along with positive social behaviour, thus developing them as global citizens.
Dr. Dilip Chaurasia
(MS, MCH Urology Head of
Department of Urology,
Medical College),
Founder & Chairman,