We are caring and concerned parents/guardians as we are aware
that the school cannot achieve optimum success in moulding our
child's character without our co-operation.
We strengthen the teacher's hand in the following ways :-
- We displays a positive attitude towards the school and its Staff
and include the same in our child.
- We make it a point to go through our child's handbook daily
because we know that it is a 365-day channel of communication
between the teachers and us.
- We do not permit our child to wear make-up, fancy watches
or jewellery to school; The child shouldn't be carrying money
more than is necessary.
- We will ensure and be aware of what my child is carrying to school
- We take care to see that our child carries the handbook daily
and is regular and punctual to school including all
- We will ensure our child maintain personal hygiene, is in
proper uniform, failing which corrective measures will be
taken against him.
- We encourage our child at work and at play, seeing to it that
he/she studies regularly and at the same time takes part in
extra-curricular activities.
- We have instructed our child to take care of himself/ herself
while Commuting to school and back.
- We carry the Entry Pass whenever we visit the school; we have
famliarised ourselves with the rules regarding Entry Pass and
Authorization Card and are aware that no duplicate will be
- We understand the school reserves the right to exclude my
child from field trips/visits based on behavioural concerns
and that all school rules apply on the trip /visit and activities.
- We will monitor my child's usage of internet and Social
Networking Sites and take responsibility for the same.
- We have saved the school telephone numbers on our
Mobile phone to ensure prompt response.
We assist the school office in the following ways :
- We mention our child's name, class and division in any correspondence with the school.
- We will return the A-Forms duly filled in within a week of school re-opening and notify
the school if there is any change in address or telephone numbers email ids.
- We will make requests for Bonafide Certificates, Railways Concessions, School Leaving Certificates, etc on the
prescribed form available in the school office along with passport size photograph in school uniform atleast one week in advance.
We are aware that if any child is found in possession of a cellphone, ipod, or camera in school, it will be confiscated and handed over only at the end of academic session.
My ward will not be carrying money more than is necessary.